The Rules


    Section A. Ground Rules

  1. Fun. We’re all here to escape drama. Not cause it. If you are causing others to have an unenjoyable experience, please reconsider your actions.    
  2. Common Courtesy. Give others the respect you’d want treated with OOC.    
  3. OOC Racism/Bigotry/Transphobia/etc prohibited. IC characters can be assholes. We’re all adults here, Speciesism, etc is allowed IC. However, any OOC moves to the such are strictly prohibited.    
  4. Be Adults. It’s an adult sim. You may be exposed to adult topics and adult things. If violence, a lack of safety, police brutality/corruption, crime and other sensitive topics easily offend you, you may want to reconsider your choice in sim. Sexual and non sexual nudity is permitted as part of a RP but may cause attention from station security.    
  5. Jurisdiction. Sim management will only be able to enforce transactions occurring in public local chat on our sim(s), official groups, and our off-party Discord and Forums. What happens in your private IM’s we can not enforce due to SL ToS.    

    Section B. Rentals

  •  Roleplay Community. Kyoshi is a roleplay community, not a residential one. We do offer rentals to enhance your roleplay experience, but these should not be considered replacements for a LL home or a home in a residential community. BeYou farms, gacha storage, and other like activities should be done at a off-sim residence, not here.    
  •  Rentals are always IC. It’s a roleplay community. If you don’t want interacted with in your rentals, don’t rent here. Most players will be understanding of being AFK/changing outfits/etc, but don’t hide in your rental all day to avoid interaction.    
  •  Management Rights. Administration reserves the right to evict any resident who management deems doesn’t meet the theme of the sim, is a nuisance, breaks rules, or causes other issues. Administration may enter residences OOCly on official business. No refunds are guaranteed. If you’re wondering whether your character is a good fit for the sim, please ask!    
  •  Skybox Rentals & Parcels.  Due to the nature of the sim (tightly packed levels), most rentals are in skyboxes to allow some privacy to renters. No parcels will be entertained due to the vertical nature of the sim. Skybox changes may be entertained if it’s a reasonable LI for your rental.    


    Section C. Character Creation

    Please see the lore post for more information.

  1. (Almost) Anything Goes. Due to the multiversed nature of our community, almost any setting goes for character creation!
    1.  Sci-fi characters: Can come and go quite easily through the wormholes that appear around the station. Bring ships, friends!            
    2. Non sci-fi characters: Can be ‘pulled’ into the station via a wormhole in their parent universe. Expect to arrive confused!            
  2.  Canon Characters Prohibited. While we encourage characters from different universes, canon/well known characters are prohibited. For examples:        
    1. A starfleet captain OC is fine. Captain Picard or Archer is not.            
    2. A jedi knight, sith lord, etc is fine (Though see the power/force rule). Obi Wan isn’t.            
    3. A avengers themed OC is fine. Thanos walking onboard isn’t.            
  3. Characters must have some sense. We’re not in the character regulation business. But characters need to  somewhat make sense! Think like, fitting through doors, being (mostly) intelligent, etc. Talking dogs are cool, a talking full sized T-Rex may cause issues.
  4. Force/Magic/etc prohibited. It unfortunately would be next to impossible for us to regulate every possible character trait, magicks, force users, etc effectively while keeping it fair to non-users. As such, please see the Suppression Field in the lore. We’re aware this isn’t completely realistic for a lot of characters, but it’s to ensure balance to prohibit a Darth Vader or Thanos type character from wiping our half the station.
  5. Realistic Proportions. This is a hard one to eyeball, but we have to draw a line somewhere. Character proportions should be relatively within reason. For example, no 30 foot tall giants. No 1 inch tall men. No Volkswagon sized titties or gonads. Keep it reasonable.    
  6. Child or Child appearing avatars strictly prohibited. Any character that is, or appears to be under the age of maturity is prohibited. We understand ‘age of maturity’ may differ slightly for each species, but we also won’t allow the “12,000 year old” character that looks like she’s twelve.    
  7. Slave Characters. The station often explores dark and adult themes. Enslavement/trafficking of characters is permitted, but must have a plot behind it/reasoning. Do not make a slave character because ‘you’re into that kind of thing’. Slave characters need a cohesive back story, a owning person/corporation, and logic as to how they wound up slaves. Do not make “a slave character looking for an owner.” – this isn’t that kind of sim.    

    Section D. Roleplay Rules

  1. Consent. Consent is implied by entering a IC area of the station without a OOC tag on. That’s that. Short of rulebreaking or toxic attitudes, players should avoid withdrawing from RP’s.    
  2. Effort. No one’s asking every player to contribute multiple paragraphs, but if people are roleplaying with you in full sentences and you respond with “K.” or “/me nods”, you probably should reconsider what roleplay sim to play on.    
  3. Combat. Players have two options when engaging in combat. Administration will be hands off as long as all parties agree.        
    1. Default: “Play to Loose”. There is no dice, but both players RP behaving realistically and checking their actions.  For example, a /me to punch James in the face would be worded with attempts to punch James in the face, to allow James the chance to respond.            
    2.  Optional: D20. This is optional due to common complaints that dice based fight scenes can last extended periods, but you’re still free to use it if all parties agree. You also can use a D20 to decide your own actions, “bravery” or “luck” checks before responding, but these can’t be forced on another player without consent.            
  4.         Security Status. Each level and area of the station has a visible sign with that levels Security Status. This dictates what crime is allowed and responses.        
    1. 0.9 to 1.0 These are the most secure levels of the station. Crime can still be attempted, but expect to be swarmed by 20 NPC security officers/droids and quickly apprehended. The suppression field is at full effectiveness here; energy/non-particle weapons will not fire. Magic/force/other ‘super’ powers are ineffective.            
    2. 0.7 to 0.8 – These levels are still very secure, but not as routinely patrolled. Still assume NPC security guards are in place. Minor crime like pickpocketing may slide under the radar but don’t count on anything major. The suppression field is at full effectiveness here; energy/non-particle weapons will not fire. Magic/force/other ‘super’ powers are ineffective.            
    3. 0.4 to 0.6 – These levels are now bordering on less than safe, but are still routinely patrolled by real and NPC security guards. Major crime is possible if you watch for patrols and have a quick escape ready. The suppression field is weakening by these levels in the station. Energy weapons fire but not at full power. Magic/force/other ‘super’ powers are still ineffective.            
    4. 0.0 to 0.3 – Security does not routinely patrol these areas, typically the ‘slums’, but may still make their presence known with occasional raids and patrols. NPC security is not a factor down here except for escorting station staff. The suppression field is ineffective this deep down in the station. Energy weapons fire at full power. Magic/force/other ‘super’ powers are only mildly effective with consent from all parties.            
  5.         Common Rules. The usual RP suspects:        
    1.  Powergaming/’Godmod’. Do not force actions on other players (Give them a chance to respond). Do not overpower other characters unjustly.            
    2.  Metagaming. Do not assume information you know OOCly that your character would not know ICly. For example, if your friend tells you he’s getting robbed on Level 5 on Discord, your character doesn’t know this ICly and can not rush to save him without IC prompting.            
    3.   Revenge Killing. Because of cloning/other medical advancements, death isn’t usually permanent here. See the New Life Rule below.            
    4. Roleplay Fear. If someone has a gun to your head, even aware a copy of you may be cloned, your character would still likely be scared shitless. It’s not fun when everyone plays a fearless rambo.            
  6.  New Life Rule (NLR). When a character dies (I.e, pulse 0) and is revived/respawned/cloned, it is presumed you lost all memory of 48 hours preceding your death, or the length of the incident leading up to your death, whichever is longer. You can try and piece together what happened through other alive characters, but waking up you would have no memory of what happened.        
    1. As an example to avoid a loophole, if you pissed off the wrong gang leader and your character was kidnapped for 3 days then killed off without a Character Kill, you would have no memory of the entire kidnapping when re-spawned. You can try and ascertain what happened to you through other alive characters and seek revenge after learning that.            
  7. Character Kills (CK). The act of Character Killing someone is to permanently kill off a character without chance of respawn or revival. The killed party must make a new character entirely to continue playing and the killed character is presumed dead without revival or cloning.        
    1. Willing CK. Both parties must agree to a willing CK.            
    2.  Unwilling CK. The killing party may apply to administration to character kill someone without them knowing before the RP. This must require extremely sound reasoning; CK’s will not be approved without good cause.            
    3. Enslaving/long term kidnapping a character counts as a CK. Enslaving and/or kidnapping a character indefinitely with no signs of being released or NLR’d counts as a Character Kill and must either be approved as a willing or unwilling CK.            
  8. Sex/other questionable stuff. Is prohibited in public, but generally if you violate this it’ll be enforced by security ICly and not the sim’s administration. Otherwise, it’s an adult sim, you do you.    


    Section E. Crime/Corruption Rules

  1. Corruption Allowed. It’s a sketchy space station. Making deals with station staff is allowed and encouraged, but be cautious of getting caught by someone who cares.    
  2. Crime &  Laws. The station practices a form of anarcho-capitalism; almost anything goes. Parties are expected to sort disputes amongst themselves before involving station security. A list of actual laws/regulations is available on the forums, but depending on the current Station Superintendent it’s likely not too expansive.    
  3. Image. Security does care about the public image of the station, which is why most petty level crime/gangs are pushed into the lower decks where the security status is lower.    
  4. Jail. Putting characters in jail is a last resort for security, because now the station has to pay to feed and house you, which obviously affects profits. Expect a quick beat-down or a ‘gentle’ reminder before anything accelerates to confinement.        
    1. Because the station doesn’t collect taxes, Jailed characters will be expected ICly to pay back the cost of their confinement, including food, lodging, etc. Characters that can’t afford the fees will likely find themselves temporarily used as station janitors, dock workers and other trivial jobs until they work off the debt.            

    Section F. Additions

  1.  Management has the right to add, remove, or modify rules from this list at any time with due notice to the players.